With the start of cooperation already in the planning stage of an investment, we are able to offer you such material handling devices that meet the most important criteria for you for achieving assumed performance, trouble-free operation and optimizing costs. We have been offering professional advice in the range of mechanics, electronics and automation to our clients for over 20 years.
Designing is one of the most important stages of each investment. Mechanical and electrical engineers whose high qualifications, combined with experience, ensure the adjustment of the equipment to individual customer needs deal with designing at the Aspol company. A carefully crafted design lets you avoid design errors and additional costs.
If you want to reduce your operating costs, we can offer you a wide range of upgrade works. Our experienced experts will adjust your equipment to the existing regulations and directives, and, above all, to the up-to-date technology.
Modification of the equipment will impact positively on the development of your company and measurable effects will increase your ergonomics, safety and productivity.
Our solid service facilities ensure many years of technical support and efficient supply of spare parts. We provide both warranty and after warranty services. We are mobile and flexible, which makes that we operate throughout the country.
Uprzejmie informujemy, że z dniem 1 lipca 2021 roku nastąpiło połączenie spółek DHC Sp. z o.o. ze spółką DHC Systems Sp. z o.o. Sp. k..
W wyniku połączenia spółka DHC Sp. z o.o. wstąpiła we wszystkie prawa i obowiązki spółki DHC Systems Sp. z o.o. Sp. k.. W związku z tym współpraca biznesowa oraz dostawy realizowane dotychczas przez DHC Systems Sp. z o.o. Sp. k będą realizowane w dalszym ciągu z najwyższą jakością i dbałością, jednakże podmiotem odpowiedzialnym za ich realizację będzie obecnie spółka DHC Sp. z o.o.
Poniżej nowe dane spółki:
DHC Sp. z o.o.
3 maja 22/1e
40-097 Katowice
NIP 634-24-87-764
KRS 0000049448
REGON 277648597