Manufacturer: INDEVA
– pneumatic system
– electric control
– rigid arm
– auto-weight sense feature
The LIFTRONIC INDEVA AIR manipulator is the latest generation of industrial manipulators of the INDEVA company. The manipulators of the LIFTRONIC AIR series combine the strength of traditional pneumatic manipulators with intelligent solutions which are typical for INDEVA products.
The lifting of the load is effected by air, but control of the manipulator is done electronically. Thanks to this, the LIFTRONIC AIR detects the weight of detail by itself what makes that the manipulator does not go upwards or downwards when the weight changes.
The LIFTRONIC AIR manipulator is suitable to carry the load, when the centre of gravity is off the lifting axis (offset loads).
Udźwig | max 310 kg |
Promień pracy | standard 2700 mm |
Prędkość | max 30 m/min |
Sterowanie | elektryczne + pneumatyczne |
Zasilanie | 230 V, 6 bar |
Stopień ochrony | IP 54 |
Poziom hałasu | <70 dB |
Zabezpieczenie | blokada mechaniczna wyzwalana w przypadku braku zasilania, hamulce zabezpieczające we wszystkich osiach |
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